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Teaser File: I Can Explain

I clearly remember the first time I looked to the right and then to the left and then straight into the inquiring eyes that were looking at me with that pained what in the world have you done expression.  I was seven. My brother Rodney, two years my senior, was hanging by his feet, which were duct taped to the garage rafters.  I was standing on the concrete pavers just in front of the open garage door with a half empty container of cool whip in one hand and a rubber chicken in the other.  A record player was hanging halfway out of the dormer window above the garage playing an Earth Wind and Fire album that kept skipping, repeating half the chorus of “Boogie Wonderland” over and over.  My dad pulled our station wagon into the driveway and, in dazed bewilderment, stepped outside the car and uttered those words, the words I would fatefully hear so many times in my life, “What the hell is going on here?!” “Dad-let me explain.”  Because there w...
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Willpower Versus a Heart Change

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Kids and Electronics-Our House Rules

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Our trash was meant to be taken OUT

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Fear Has Kept Me Satisfied With "Good Enough"

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But God, You Said!

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The Shame of Divorce

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When Sleep Won't Come--5 Strategies

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The Prophet's Support Group: Jonah Episode

DANIEL  Welcome everyone, thank you for overcoming the acute social anxiety that comes from living the life of a prophet to join us for this evening's Prophet's Support Group.  My name is Daniel, best known of course for the stint in the lion's den, although I personally don't think I get enough credit for the whole vegan thing.  Last week we heard from Hosea and his experience after the Boss's orders to intentionally marry a prostitute-which I have to say made all that kale seem small in comparison.  So thank you for sharing, and blessings to you and the Mrs. as you begin couple's therapy this week.  We have a newcomer tonight, everyone give a warm welcome to Jonah! JONAH  Thank you, thank you everyone.  Wow it's weird to be here finally, you know?  Well I guess it all started when the Boss told me to go to Nineveh... ____________________________________________________________________________ GOD  Jonah, listen, set down the milk and h...